Monday, January 21, 2013

Survival made fun!!!

  One of the many distraction in my life that keeps me from ever really accomplishing anything worthwhile and meaningful is video games, and now that I've finally caught up with the rest of the world by getting an I-phone. (another distraction, but also a very useful replacement for more than half of my brain that I wasn't using anyways) I  have video games on my phone,but don't worry I still have some discipline in that I now only have two games on my phone, Poker and Empires World War!
Why Poker because ever since I was a little kid I dreamed of sucking at something so bad that I wanted to someday have a constant  reminder on my phone (and computer) that says you suck at this! Don't even look at your cards just sit down and hand everyone at the table all your chips! we're not going to write about poker today!
   The other day I was sitting in my office pretending to be working, playing my "Empires World War!"
(Screaming loud deep announcer voice) When a profound thought came ramblin through my head.
This game is fun, why can ever day stuff like paying bills, or hunting down your next meal, be fun? Granted that hunting down my next meal is fun, but for some people it might get old.
Why do we (by we I mean I) allow life to sometimes not be fun? Yeah deep I know!
"Empires World War!"(Screaming loud deep announcer voice)

 Is a game where you build a military and defend your base against others, in this game you have wood and steal mills and farms, Navy shipyards, Air Force hangers to build your plaines and most importantly an ARMYof hardcore super duper ground troopers, Whoah!!! Sorry you air born guys I have not reached a level where I can make them jump out of planes yet.  You have everything a  base, or start up country, might need to one day become a super power. I had this thought that in these tough times we live in maybe a better way to look at things is like this game. I call it Survival
made fun. Take my current financial situation. I like my job, I would love it if it alone, paid me enough to provide for my family, but it falls a little short. Okay most months it falls way short. So my wife and I (mostly her) run a strict budget and we have to sometime go into dept to survive, when stuff like the car break downs, or problems with the house, screw up our perfect plans. I call those budget killers "F Bombs"(Financial Budget Bombs) In this game of life and survival the object is to make it through these hard times and do so with as little stress as possible. It’s not a hard life, it’s a game!  For example try an imagine this, the enemy (Massive debt) Is attacking my west gate, overwhelming  my troops (Wife & kids) with "F Bombs" (Credit card offers in this case) ,but I low-crawl to the mailbox and cut them motha fudgers down!  Sure the postman thinks I'm crazy, but it's fun and that's what's important! That's how you win the war one small embarrassing battle at a time!
  Oh snap!!! Now there's a frontal attack! Some panty waste, Tom Brady lookin, pretty boy is at my front door to ask out one on my Troops (My daughter)  Oh hell no! I know spy when I see one!
This kid has been sent to thin my ranks and weaken my nation (Family) These kind of things are tricky
I'll have to be very tactful and employ much strategy to take this kid out without lowering my troops morale. (Making her hate me)
Option A
 Answer the door with a shotgun, Bible, and expertly written wedding vows and say "Come on boy
lets let this here thang over with! We got chores to tend to."
If he runs away Mission complete! if he comes in explain in great detail Colorado's Make My Day Law!
Option B
Answer the door with a giant book with entitled "Val's Preventative Maintenance Manual a comprehensive guide to todays' high maintenance girl" And say Val will be right out, but while you wait, you may wanta do your homework.
If he runs away Mission complete! if he comes in explain in great detail Colorado's Make My Day Law!
Option C
 Answer the door and invite him in. Give him a beer and say "I like you dude! You're not like the last boy,,, God rest his soul, hey you wanta go huntin next week?"

 You see even running boys off can be made fun, Like my game. So what happens if through all that
the boy still stay around, well I'd say he may not be a spy after all and closely watching him for the next
few years you may allow him to join your nation making it stronger. Heck if you can put up with me
for more than a year and are still willing to hang around you've earned your stripes.

...Till next time embrace your inter crazy


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